Featuring Artists and Writers of Extreme Vision.

 The Featured Artist: Maciej Toporowicz, May 2002
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Maciej Toporowicz


How do you apply traditional values in this ever-changing landscape?

Not much is left. There is no in or out anymore, there is only interface.
It is like sliding on a giant ice ring.

What do you mean by in or out?

I feel that we operate on pure surface tension.
It isn't before or after. It represents you and defines you in the very moment. It is NOW.

Isn't it a form of devaluation?

The word devaluation implies that there were some values in the first place. However it is a cultural illusion. The values are created to maintain cohesion of the system. If the system becomes fragmented, everything looses dimension, and you are placed on the fluid interface, where there is no control ... LOL.

Now ... seriously ... is there any way to make relevant things?

You make relevant things within your value system; if there is no value system you don't operate in qualitative terms. It is all about energy and pressure points.

This sounds very Nietzschean ... what are the pressure points?

Well, I believe that you can make yourself visible if you relay care.

Just apply pressure here and there and remember that effect is more important than meaning. There is no time to digest meaning anymore. Too much speed.
Too much speed on the giant ice ring ... LOL
The acceleration of time brings also a shrinking of the space.
Everything is very close in the circuit. Meanwhile, the shrinking of the space means an increased number of events. Things will happen very fast, very soon. Things will vibrate, but they will still maintain the structure.
The center will be missing though.

How can you adjust to all these changes?

Well, I guess you come to the point that your body becomes a burden, because it slows you down and makes you feel limited.
All that you want is to travel really fast and be everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Howard Hughes syndrome ... LOL.
But the pleasures of the body are intense. It would be hard to say sayonara to it.
However, the pleasures of pure information and energy are very seductive too. These phenomena have no shape or border. They are transparent and omnipresent.

It sounds like on Orphic dream of transgression.

It is a dream of a thousands faces, for one to wake up only to see the thousandth one. It is a dream of simultaneous intercrossing through parallel dimensions. One may have to use poetic language to express it.

Are we talking about some kind of spiritual experience?

We are on the way to create a continuum, where we will experience a desolution of body in the system. I see it as a liberating event.

There are so many unhappy people now, who experience a lack of connection. They feel that they don't belong. It causes pain and alienation. There won't be such a thing in the future. We will exist in an irreducible and high synergy system. We will all belong, it will be a blessed state of mind. It will be a form of continuous enlightenment.

You are an optimist, ain't you?



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