For some reason, being prolific is often an attribute
that, in and of itself, is considered an important characteristic
of an artist. Typically, works produced by a prolific artist are
well, profligate.
Lynn Talbot, who I have known for many years, is
prolific but her work suffers not from quantity but from sheer
and honest beauty. Each of the pieces that you'll see on the following
two pages are utterly gorgeous, refined, and at the same time calculated
and suffused in personal and art historical meaning. I adore each
of them and I'm tickled to show Lynn Talbot's work herein.
produced a webpage detailing some of her thoughts and ideas about
art and artists for The Site at MANOVERBOARD, which can be found
(exclusively) here.
of her recent works can be found here as well.
Lynn can
be reached via her website, LynnTalbot.com.
-- Editor.